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Chapter 17 Vice-President Quiz

Chapter 17 Vice-President Quiz


Chapter 17 Vice-President Quiz

Chapter 17  Vice-President  Quiz

Chapter 17 Vice-President Quiz
Chapter 17  Vice-President  Quiz
Chapter 17 Vice-President Quiz

1. Take a look at the following remark on the vice President position.

  1. In the official warrant of precedence,
    the vice president is given a rank equal to that of
    the president.
  2. The modelled of this office is based on
    the British pattern.

Select the correct response.


2. Consider the following statement about
vice president qualifications:

  1. He must be an Indian citizen.
  2. He should be eligible to be elected to the
    Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
  3. He should have reached the age of 35.

Select the correct response.


3. Take a look at the following statement about
vice president.

  1. In the first vice presidential election,
    N. Samant Singh was the first runner-up candidate.
  2. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was India’s first
    vice president in 1952.
  3. A candidate for Vice-President must have
    the support of at least 20 electors in order to be nominated.

Select the correct response.


4. Consider the following statement about the
vice president’s oath or affirmation:

  1. to swear genuine faith and allegiance to the
    Indian Constitution.
  2. to faithfully carry out the responsibilities
    of his position
  3. The President, or someone he appoints in his
    place, administers the Vice-oath President’s of office.

Select the correct response.


5. Take a look at the Vice President’s
Office Conditions statement below.

  1. He ought to be a member of the
    House of Parliament.
  2. He should not work in any other
    position that pays well.

Choose the incorrect option.


6. Consider the following statement about the
vice president’s term of office:

  1. The Vice-President is elected for a
    five-year term beginning on the date he takes office.
  2. He can resign from his position at any
    moment by writing a resignation letter to the
    Rajya Sabha’s deputy chairman.
  3. He can be dismissed from office by a
    resolution passed by a majority of all Rajya Sabha
    members at the time, with no role for the Lok Sabha.

Select the correct response.


7. Consider the following statement about the
vice president.

  1. Only the Rajya Sabha, not the Lok Sabha,
    can introduce removal resolutions.
  2. A removal resolution cannot be moved unless
    at least 14 weeks’ notice is given.
  3. In the Constitution, removal resolution is
    mentioned as a candidate for removal.

Select the correct response.


8. Consider the statement below.

  1. The Vice-President is limited to a
    five-year term in office.
  2. The vice president’s post is up for re-election.
  3. The vice president, like the president,
    is eligible for an infinite number of terms in office.

Choose the correct answer.


9. Consider the following statement about the power
and role of the vice president.

  1. He is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
  2. His responsibilities and functions are identical
    to those of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha at every level.
  3. He takes over as President when the President’s
    seat falls vacant due to his resignation or impeachment.

Choose the correct answer.


10. Consider the following statement on the vice president’s
power and function.

  1. He can only serve as President for a maximum of
    six months before a new President must be elected.
  2. As the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha,
    he receives a regular salary.
  3. The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha’s remuneration,
    which is now RS 4 lakh per month, is increased by Parliament.

Select the correct response.


11. Consider the following statement about the power
and role of the vice president.

  1. The Indian Vice-President does not take over
    when the position of President becomes vacant for the
    remainder of the term. unlike the vice president of the United States
  2. Until the new president enters office, the
    Indian vice president serves as acting president.

Choose the correct answer.


12. match the correct pairs

A . Oath or affirmation by the Vice-President 1.Articles 63
B. The Vice-President of India 2. Articles 64
C. The Vice-President to be ex-officio Chairman of the Council of States 3. Articles 65
D . The Vice-President to act as President 4. Article 66
E . Election of Vice-President 5. Articles 67
F . Term of office of Vice-President 6. Articles 69

Choose the correct answer


Question 1 of 12

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