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अध्याय 5  राज्य, राजा , और एक प्राचीन गणराज्य 

Chapter wise mcq  on this websites you will get mcq related to UPSC, SSC ,PSC etc. both Hindi and English these practice question can help you to memorize your facts and revise your books in the form of mcq

New NCERT   most important book for UPSC ,SPSC so on.

1. takes into account the following statement.

  1. The equator is an imaginary circular line that serves as a crucial reference point for locating locations on the globe.
  2. The equator signifies a latitude of 20 degrees.
  3. The prime meridian has a value of 360 degrees.

Select the incorrect response.


2. Think about the following statement.

  1. The arctic zone is located near the poles.
  2. Torrid Zone, which stretches from the Tropic of Cancer in the north to the Tropic of Capricorn in the south, is located near the Equator.

Select the incorrect response.


3. Consider the following statement about the Tonga Islands and where they are located in the ocean.

Select the correct response.


4. If your friend works in London and you live in India, and he phones you at 12:00 noon in London time,

what is the current time on your watch when you are on the phone with him?

Select the correct response.


5. Consider the statement below.

  1. There are 180 longitudes in total.
  2. Antarctica is in the Southern Hemisphere.

Select the correct response.


6. Consider the statement below.

  1. Grid is a network of parallels of latitudes and merdians of longitudes
  2. When the sun reaches its greatest position in the sky on the Prime Meridian of Greenwich, all points along the meridian experience mid-day or noon.
  3. In Arunachal Pradesh, the sun rises two hours earlier than in Gujarat.
  4. The Tropic of Capricorn is located at 23 1/2 degrees south latitude.

Select the correct response.


7. Consider the statement below.

  1. India’s Standard Meridian is located at 82½°  east longitude.
  2. As you get closer to the poles, the space between longitudes shrinks.
  3. Prime Meridian is another name for the 0° Meridian.

Select the correct response.


8. match the following

Table 1 Table 2
A.      Tropic of Cancer 1.       23½° south
B.      Tropic of Capricorn 2.       23½° north
C.      Arctic Circle 3.       66½° south
D.      Antarctic Circle 4.       66½° north


Choose the correct answer


9. When the Earth rotates 30 degrees on its axis, how long does it take?


10. India’s standard time is………….. ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.


11. consider the following statement .

  1. Statement : (A) In the Northern Hemisphere, the area between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole is extremely cold.
  2. Reason : (R)  It’s because the sun doesn’t rise very high over the horizon here.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Question 1 of 11


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