Thomas Babington Macaulay
• On 2 February 1835
• “Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect.”
• Thomas Babington Macaulay presented ‘Minute on Indian Education’
• How British education policy should be imposed in colonial India
• in June 1834 Macaulay came to India, and he was President of the General Committee of Public Instruction (GCPI).
• He was a proud Englishman
• western science far superior than Indian knowledge
• Macaulay = government to spend money western education not oriental education.
• Macaulaywanted to shutting down of all colleges he never supported eastern philosophy and subjects were taught
• Macaulay >> government >> educate few >> masses. = ‘downward filtration’ policy
• serve British interests and loyal to interests .
• Macaulay’s proposals accepted by Lord William Bentinck
• . In 1837, English was made the court language
• &nb
sp; In his minute, vernacular languages die a natural death.
• Now you will see many people use vernacular language and day by day it is expanding
• But he also got succeed to create a class who study English language enthusiastically