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Thomas Babington Macaulay

       On 2 February 1835

       “Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect.”

       Thomas Babington Macaulay presented ‘Minute on Indian Education’

       How British education policy   should be imposed in colonial India

       in June 1834  Macaulay came to India, and he was President of the General Committee of Public Instruction (GCPI).

       He  was a proud Englishman

       western science far superior than Indian knowledge

       Macaulay = government to    spend money western education  not       oriental education.

       Macaulaywanted to shutting down of all colleges he never supported eastern philosophy and subjects were taught

       Macaulay   >>     government  >>   educate few     >>                masses.     = ‘downward filtration’ policy

       serve British interests and loyal to interests .

       Macaulay’s proposals  accepted by Lord William Bentinck

       . In 1837, English was made the court language


In his minute,   vernacular languages die a natural death.

       Now you will see many people use vernacular language and day by day it is expanding

       But he also got succeed to create a class who study English language enthusiastically

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