Quiz: chapterwisemcq current Affair Quiz hindi , 10 july 2021

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Quiz: chapterwisemcq current Affair Quiz hindi , 10 july 2021

1. consider the following statement.

  1. the rising in Bareilly in 1816 against police tax and municipal taxes.
  2. the Surat riots in 1814 against the salt duty.
  3. The agitation in Benares in 1810 against a house tax imposed by the colonial Government.

Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?



2. consider the following statement regarding major factors responsible for the people’s resentment and uprisings against the Company rule?

  1. heavy duties on Indian industries.
  2. Expansion of revenue administration over tribal lands.
  3. increasing the pressure on land/agriculture.

  Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


3. . With reference Sanyasi Revolt , consider the following statements:

  1. sanyasis were joined by a large number of dispossessed small zamindars, disbanded soldiers and rural poor.
  2. no role of women in the revolt.
  3. Muslim was not participating in sanyasis revolt.
  4. warren hasting was governor general during sanyasis revolt.

  Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


4. With reference Sanyasi Revolt , consider the following statements:

  1. Anandamath, a semi-historical novel is based on the Sanyasi Revolt.
  2. Bankim Chandra also wrote a novel, Devi Chaudhurani,.

  Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


5. With reference Revolt in Midnapore , consider the following statements:

  1. the introduction of new land revenue system by the English in 1772 was the cause cause of this revolt.
  2. Damodar Singh and Jagannath Dhal Were the important leader of this revolt.
  3. The zamindars of Midnapore collaborated with the English revenue collection officials to create pressure on the ryots to give revenue.

  Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


6. With reference Revolt of Moamarias, consider the following statements:

  1. the Moamarias were low-caste peasants who followed the teachings of Aniruddhadeva.
  2. The revolt of the Moamarias in 1769 was a potent challenge to the authority of Ahom kings of Assam.
  3. the Ahom ruler had to request for British help to crush these revolts.

  Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


7. With reference Civil Uprisings , consider the following statements:

  1. Warren Hastings involved Major Alexander Hannay as an izaradar in 1778 In Awadh.
  2. Hannay secured the izara of Gorakhpur and Bahraich to the amount of 22 lakh rupees for one year.

  Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?


8. With reference Parlakimedi Outbreak (1813-34), consider the following statements:

When the Company acquired Ganjam, Narayan Deo was the raja of Parlakimedi, whose resistance forced the British to dispatch an army under Colonel Peach. The raja of Parlakimedi, whose resistance forced the British to dispatch an army under Colonel Peach.

Parlakimedi, situated in which state

  Choose the correct answer


9. Match the correct pairs

Tribal Movements Place
A. Pahariyas’ Rebellion 1. Raj Mahal Hills
B. Kol Uprisings 2. Chottanagpur
C. Naikada Movement 3. Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat
D. Kharwar Rebellion 4. Bihar
E. Khonda Dora Campaign 5. Vishakapatnam

Choose the correct answer


10. With reference Sepoy Mutinies chronology, consider the following statements:

  1. Mutiny of 37th Native Infantry
  2. Mutiny of 34th Native Infantry.
  3. Mutiny of 66th Native Infantry,
  4. Vellore Mutiny

Choose the correct answer


11. With reference Sepoy Mutinies chronology, consider the following statements:

  1. Mutiny of 37th Native Infantry
  2. Mutiny of 34th Native Infantry.
  3. Mutiny of 66th Native Infantry,
  4. Vellore Mutiny

Choose the correct answer


12. With reference Sanyasi Revolt, consider the following statements:

  1. Anandamath, a semi-historical novel written by ravindra nath Tagore.
  2. Majnum Shah one of the leader of Sanyasi Revolt.
  3. Debi Chaudhurani’s participation recognizes the women’s role in early resistances against the British.

  Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


13. consider the following statement :

 in January 1799, he killed a British resident, Geogre Frederik Cherry, who had invited him to lunch. His guards killed two other Europeans and even attacked the Magistrate of Benares. The whole incident became famous as the Massacre of Benares.

The statement is talking about whom?

  Choose the correct answer


14. consider the following statement?

  1. Strikara Bhanj, a zamindar of Gumsur in Ganjam district, refused to pay revenues in 1797.
  2. Kattabomman Nayakan, the poligar(Poligars’ Revolt) of Panjalankurichi, led the insurrection between 1795 and 1799.

  Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


15. consider the following statement :

The issue became religious when Mufti Muhammad Aiwaz, a venerated old man, gave a petition to the magistrate of the town. The situation aggravated further when the police, while collecting tax, injured a woman. This event led to a bloody scuffle between the followers of the Mufti and the police.

Which uprising is talking about
Choose the correct answer


16. consider the following statement :

The English had concluded the settlement of Hathras estate with Dayaram as a farmer. But due to progressively increasing high revenues, Dayaram constantly failed to pay arrears and even committed many acts of hostility by giving harbour to government fugitives.this statement is talking about which incident .

  Choose the correct answer


17. With reference Paika Rebellion 1817, consider the following statements:

  1. The Paiks of Odisha were the traditional landed militia.
  2. Maharaja Purandhar Singh was important leader.
  3. the Paiks of Odisha used to do military service and policing functions on a hereditary basis.

  Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


18. consider the following statement?

  1. Surat Salt Agitations happened due to raise the salt duty from 50 paise to one rupee.
  2. the Wahabi Movement was essentially an Islamic revivalist movement founded by Abdul Wahab.

  Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


19. With reference Kuka Movement, consider the following statements:

  1. the Kuka Movement was founded in 1840 by Bhagat Jawahar Mal in western Punjab.
  2. Kukas were against the caste system, discouraging the consumption of meat and alcohol and drugs.
  3. concepts of Swadeshi and non-cooperation were propagated by the Kukas.

  Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?


20. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Place
A. Rampa Revolts 1. Andhra Pradesh
B. Forest Satyagrahas 2. Bihar and Bengal
C. Sanyasi Revolt 3. Andhra & bihar
D. Rebellion in Midnapore 4. Bengal
E. Revolt of Moamarias 5. Assam

Choose the correct answer


21. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Place
A. Revolt in Bednur 1. Karnataka
B. Civil Rebellion of Awadh 2. Uttar Pradesh;
C. Uprising in Ganjam 3. Orissa
D. Uprisings in Palamau 4. Tamil Nadu
E. Poligars’s Revolt 5. Chhotanagpur of Jharkhand;

Choose the correct answer


22. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Place
A. Parlakimedi Outbreak 1. Uttar Pradesh
B. Upsurge in Hathras 2. Orissa
C. Paika Rebellion 3. Orissa
D. Waghera Rising 4. Gujarat
E. Ahom Revolt 5. Assam

Choose the correct answer


23. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Place
A. Gadkari Revolt 1. Maharashtra
B. Wahabi Movement 2. Punjab
C. Kuka Movement 3. Punjab
D. Narkelberia Uprising 4. Bengal
E. Pagal Panthis 5. Bengal

Choose the correct answer


24. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Place
A. Faraizi Revolt 1. Bengal
B. Moplah Uprisings 2. Kerala
C. Chuar Uprisings 3. Bengal
D. Ho and Munda Uprisings 4. Chhotanagpur
E. Santhal Rebellion 5. Raj Mahal Hill (Bihar

Choose the correct answer


25. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Place
A. Khond Uprisings 1. Andhra Pradesh
B. Koya Revolts 2. Rajasthan
C. Bhil Revolts 3. Tamil Nadu
D. Ramosi Risings 4. Western Ghats
E. Singhphos’ Rebellion 5. Assam

Choose the correct answer


26. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Leader
A. Ramosi Risings 1. Chittur Singh
B. Koya Revolts 2. Tomma Sora
C. Khond Uprisings 3. Chakra Bisoi
D. Santhal Rebellion 4. Sidhu and Kanhu
E. Ho risings 5. Birsa Munda

Choose the correct answer


27. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Personality
A. Kol Mutiny 1. Buddho Bhagat
B. Chuar Uprisings 2. Karam Shah
C. Pagal Panthis 3. Sham Ganjan
D. Narkelberia Uprising 4. Titu Mir
E. Kuka Movement 5. Bhagat Jawahar Mal

Choose the correct answer


28. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Personality
A. Wahabi Movement 1. Syed Ahmed
B. Ahom Revolt 2. Gomdhar Konwar and Maharaja Purandhar Singh
C. Paika Rebellion 3. Bakshi Jagabandhu Bidyadhar
D. Upsurge in Hathras 4. Mufti Muhammad Aiwaz
E. Rising at Bareilly 5. Dayaram and Bhagwant Singh

Choose the correct answer


29. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Personality
A. Parlakimedi Outbreak 1. Kattabomman Nayakan
B. Poligars’s Revolt 2. Bhukhan Singh
C. Uprisings in Palamau 3. Narayan Deo
D. Uprising in Ganjam and Gumsur 4. Strikara Bhanj
E. Civil Rebellion of Awadh 5. Wazir Ali Khan

Choose the correct answer


30. Match the correct pairs

 Movements Personality
A. Revolt of Moamarias 1. Krishnanarayan
B. Rebellion in Midnapore 2. Damodar Singh
C. Sanyasi Revolt 3. Debi Chaudhurani
D. Parlakimedi Outbreak 4. Bakshi Jagabandhu Bidyadhar
E. Paika Rebellion 5. Narayan Deo

Choose the correct answer


31. Consider the following events:

  1. Paika Rebellion
  2. Civil Rebellion of Awadh
  3. Rising at Bareilly
  4. Civil Uprisings in Gorakhpur

Which of the following is the correct chronological sequence of the above events?


32. Consider the following events:

  1.  Kol Mutiny
  2. Kutch Rebellion
  3. 3. Ahom Revolt
  4. Surat Salt Agitations

Which of the following is the correct chronological sequence of the above events?


33. consider statement which moment happened before 1857?

  1. Kukis’ Revolt in Manipur; against British policies of recruiting labour during the First World War
  2. Revolts in Tripura; against hike in house tax rates and against settlement of outsiders.
  3. Naga movement inManipur); led by Jadonang; against British rule.

Choose the incorrect answer


34. consider the following statement regarding which moment happened after 1857?

  1. Singphos’ Rebellion in Assam ; led to murder of British political agent of Assam by Singphos.
  2. Khasis’ Revolt in hilly region between Jaintia and Garo Hills); led by the Nunklow ruler, Tirath Singh; against the occupation of the hilly region.
  3. Ahoms’ Revolt in ; Assam); against the non-fulfilment of the pledges of the Company after the Burmese War.

Choose the correct answer


35. consider the following statement?

  1. After the annexation of the Maratha territories by the British, the Ramosis, lost their means of livelihood.
  2. Govind Guru helped the Bhilsof south Rajasthan to organize themselves to fight for a Bhil Raj by 1913.
  3. under Sidhu and Kanhu, two brothers, the Santhals proclaimed an end to Company rule, and declared the area between Bhagalpur and Rajmahal as autonomous.

Choose the incorrect answe


Question 1 of 35

Chapterwisemcq current  AFFAIRS QUESTIONS & QUIZ

Better way to do current affairs

1. Read current Affairs every day (it will take around 2 hours)

2. Solve MCQ of those CA Every day (Chapterwisemcq current AFFAIRS QUESTIONS & QUIZ) (it will hardly take 10 mint )

3. Revise 7 day’s MCQ on Sunday (from Chapterwisemcq  current AFFAIRS QUESTIONS & QUIZ) (it will take 1 hours )

4. Revise all CA MCQ end of the month by watching video (Chapterwisemcq current AFFAIRS QUESTIONS & QUIZ)  (it will take 5 hours )

Chapterwisemcq  current AFFAIRS QUESTIONS  are based on daily current AFFAIRS  govt. website like  PIB, newspaper like  The Hindu news and times of india  articles and editorials.

Now UPSC is more focusing into  Current Affairs which Aspirants need to cover so its are team responsibility to cover Daily Quiz from current Affairs  and these Chapterwisemcq  current  AFFAIRS QUESTIONS & QUIZ   relevant to UPSC civil services Preliminary exam.

And of the month Aspirants can download compilation of MCQ and revise them by watching video

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