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Quiz: chapterwisemcq Daily Static Quiz hindi , 13 july 2021

1. considers the following  statement?

  1. the National Archives of India located in New Delhi.
  2. the appointment of James Rennell as the first Surveyor General of Bengal in 1767.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


2. consider the following statement  regarding state archives comprise.

  1. the former British Indian provinces.
  2. the erstwhile princely states which were incorporated in the Indian Union after 1947.
  3. the foreign administrations other than those of the British.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


3. Consider the following statement.

  1. The term ‘colonial approach relates to the history of The colonial countries and work.
  2. the nationalist historians of modern India did great job before 1947.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


4. consider the following statement.

  1. The beginning of the Marxist approach in India was heralded by A.R. Desai’s Social Background of Indian Nationalism.
  2. R. Desai’s Social Background of Indian Nationalism, was first published before independence .
  3. Marxist historian, who made a critique of R.P. Dutt’s paradigm, is Sumit Sarkar; .

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


5. consider the following statement

  1. R. Desai traces the growth of the national movement in five phases.
  2. Subaltern Approach This school of thought began in the early 1980s under the Editorship of Ranajit Guha.
  3. subaltern historiography took the position that the entire tradition of Indian historiography had had an elitist bias.
  4. Subaltern Approach do not subscribe to the Marxist theory of the nature of the exploitation by the nationalist movement.

Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?


6. consider the following statement .

 A few historians have of late initiated a new trend, described by its proponents as subaltern, which dismisses all previous historical writing, including that based on a Marxist perspective, as elite historiography, and claims to replace this old, ‘blinkered’ historiography with what it claims is a new people’s or subaltern approach.

Who said this


7. consider the following statement.

  1. Cambridge School of thought, the fundamental contradiction under colonial rule was not between imperialism and the Indian people, but among the Indians themselves.
  2. The leaders of the national movement, according to Cambridge School of thought, were inspired by the quest for power and material benefits.

Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?


8. consider the following statement.

 who wrote the book “The High Caste Hindu Woman”

Which of the statements given below  is  correct?


9. consider the following statement  who wrote the book “Mother India”

Choose the correct answer


Question 1 of 9

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