Quiz: chapterwisemcq current Affair Quiz hindi , 20 july 2021 1. Which one of the following objectives is not embodied in the Preamble to the Constitution of India? (UPSC /IAS 2017) a) Liberty of thought b) Economic liberty c) Liberty of expression d) Liberty of belief 2. The mind of the makers of the Constitution of India is reflected in which of the following? (UPSC /IAS 2017). a) The Preamble b) The Fundamental Rights c) The Directive Principles of State Policy d) The Fundamental Duties 3. Which one of the following is part of Preamble of the Constitution of India? (UPSC /IAS 2018). a) We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic …. do hereby Adopt, Enact and Give to ourselves this Constitution. b) We, the members of the Parliament, do hereby Adopt, Enact and Give to ourselves this Constitution. c) We, the people of Constituent Assembly, do hereby Adopt, Enact and Give to ourselves this Constitution. d) None of the above 4. The word “secular” denotes (UPSC /IAS 2018) a) Keeping away from all religions b) Belief in one God c) Freedom of religion and worship to all citizens d) Practicing different religions Loading … Question 1 of 4 click below to download daily current Affair Quiz download Post navigation Quiz: chapterwisemcq current Affair Quiz hindi , 19 july 2021 Quiz: chapterwisemcq current Affair Quiz hindi , 21 july 2021