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Questions are covered from Indian polity previous Year wise from 1998 to 2020 (UPSC/ IAS

1. Which one of the following suggested that the Governor should be an

eminent person from outside the State and should be a detached figure

without intense political links or should not have taken part in politics

in the recent past? (UPSC / IAS 2000).


2. The primary function of the Finance Commission in India is to: (UPSC / IAS 2000)


3. Which one of the following authorities recommends the principles

governing the grants-in-aid of the revenues to the states out

of the Consolidated Fund of India? (UPSC / IAS 2002).


4. Consider the following statements: (UPSC / IAS 2003).

In India, stamp duties on financial transactions are:

  1. Levied and collected by the State Government
  2. Appropriated by the Union Government.

Which of these statements is/are correct?


5. Consider the following statements: : (UPSC /IAS 2003 )

The function(s) of the Finance commission is/are:

  1. To allow the withdrawal of the money out of the Consolidated Fund of India
  2. To allocate between the States the shares of proceeds of taxes
  3. To consider applications for grants-in-aid from States
  4. To supervise and report on whether the Union and State governments are levying taxes in accordance with the budgetary provisions.

Which of these statements is/are correct?


6. Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India says

that the executive power of every State shall be so exercised as

not to impede or prejudice the exercise of the executive power

of the Union? (UPSC / IAS 2004)


7. With reference to the Constitution of India,

which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (UPSC / IAS 2004).


8. Which one of the following subjects is under the Union List in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India? (UPSC / IAS 2006)


9. With reference to the Finance Commission of India,

which of the following statements is correct? (UPSC / IAS 2011).


10. Which of the following bodies does not/do not find mention in the Constitution? (UPSC / IAS 2013)

  1. National Development Council
  2. Planning Commission
  3. Zonal Councils

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.


11. Consider the following statements: (UPSC / IAS 2013)

  1. National Development Council is an organ of the Planning Commission.
  2. The Economic and Social Planning is kept in the Concurrent List in the Constitution of India.
  3. The Constitution of India prescribes that Panchayats should be assigned the task of preparation of plans for economic development and social justice.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


12. Which one of the following is not a feature of Indian federalism? (UPSC / IAS 2017)


Question 1 of 12

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