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Questions are covered from Ancient History  previous Year Questions from 1998 to 2021 (UPSC/ IAS)

Native Dynasty of Post Mauryan Period & Sangam Era

1. Consider the following statements: (UPSC / IAS 2003)

1) The last Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha

was assassinate by his commander-inchief,

Pushyamitra Sunga.

2) The last Sunga King, Devabhuti was

assassinate by his Brahmana minister

Vasudeva Kanva who Usurped the


3) The last ruler of the Kanva dynasty

was deposed By Andhras.

Which of these statements is/are



2. One consistent feature found in

the history of southern India was

the growth of small regional

kingdoms rather than large

empires because of(UPSC / IAS 1999 )


3. A: The Ahm and Puram poems of

the Padinen Kilukanakku group

formed a continuation of the

Sangam composition.

R: They were included under the

Post-Sangam works as against the

Sangam works proper. (UPSC / IAS 2000 )


4. A: The Ahm and Puram poems of

the Padinen Kilukanakku group

formed a continuation of the

Sangam composition.

R: They were included under the

Post-Sangam works as against the

Sangam works proper. (UPSC / IAS 2000 )


Question 1 of 4

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