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Questions are covered from Ancient History  previous Year Questions from 1998 to 2021 (UPSC/ IAS)

Vedic Age

1. With reference to the difference

between the culture of Rigvedic

Aryans and Indus Valley people,

which of the following statements

is/are correct? (UPSC / IAS 2017 )

1) Rigvedic Aryans used the coat of mail

and helmet in warfare whereas the

people of Indus Valley Civilization did

not leave any evidence of using them.

2) Rigvedic Aryans knew gold, silver and

copper whereas Indus Valley people

knew only copper and iron.

3) Rigvedic Aryans had domesticated the

horse whereas there is no evidence of

Indus Valley people having been

aware of this animal.

Select the correct answer using the

code given below:


2. The religion of early Vedic Aryans

was primarily of(UPSC / IAS 2012 )


3. The “dharma” and “rita” depict a

central idea of ancient Vedic

civilization of India. In this

context, consider the following

statements: (UPSC / IAS 2011 )

1) Dharma was a conception of

obligations and of the discharge of

one’s duties to oneself and to others.

2) Rita was the fundamental moral law

governing the functioning of the

universe and all it contained.

Which of the statements given above

is/are correct?


4. What does Baudhayan theorem

(Baudhayan Sulva Sutras) relate

to? (UPSC / IAS 2008 )


5. Which one of the following four

Vedas contains charms and spells? (UPSC / IAS 2004 )


6. The term ‘Aryan’ denotes(UPSC / IAS 1999)


Question 1 of 6

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