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Chapter 2 Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

1. Take into consideration the following:

  1. India’s Ganga–Brahmaputra plain is densely populated.
  2. Weathering is the process by which soil is created.

Which of the following assertions is/are correct?


2. Take a look at the following statements.

A covering of organic materials, such as straw, is applied to the bare ground between plants. It aids in the retention of soil moisture.

The technique is known as

Select the correct response.


3. Take a look at the following statement.

  1. Intercropping refers to the planting of rows of trees in coastal locations to reduce wind movement.
  2. The availability of water per person in India is decreasing.
  3. Living beings in the ecosystem are interconnected and reliant on one another for survival.

Select the correct response.


4. Think about the following sentence.

  1. In the parched desert, thorny bushes can be found.
  2. Soil texture is one of the components that contribute to the creation of soil.
  3. It is forbidden in India to kill deer.

Select the correct response.


5. Which of the following strategies would be best for preventing soil erosion on steep slopes?


6. Which of the following is NOT a supporter of environmental protection?


7. match the following

Column A Column B
A.     Land use 1.      productive use of land
B.     Humus 2.      organic matter deposited on top soil
C.     Rock Dams 3.      prevent soil erosion
D.    Biosphere 4.      narrow zone of contact between the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere

Choose the correct answer


Question 1 of 7

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