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Chapter 4 Agriculture

1. Take a look at the following statements.

Three sorts of economic activity are involved in the transformation of a plant into a final product.

As a result, livestock rearing is………..

Select the correct response.


2. Consider the following statements in relation to Primitive Subsistence Farming:

  1. In subsistence farming, low-tech and home labour are employed to produce minimal amounts of food.
  2. In primitive subsistence agriculture, a farmer cultivates a tiny area of land with minimal equipment and a lot of hard work.

Which of the following assertions is/are correct?


3. similar to the following In different parts of the world, shifting cultivation is called by different names.

Column A Column B
A.     Jhumming 1.      North-East India
B.     Milpa 2.      Mexico
C.     Roca 3.      Malaysia
D.    Ladang 4.      Brazil

 Choose the correct answer


4. match the following

Column A Column B
A.     Viticulture 1.      Cultivation of grapes.
B.     Horticulture 2.      growing of fruits and vegetables
C.     Pisciculture 3.      Breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds.
D.    Sericulture 4.      Commercial rearing of silk worms.

Choose the correct answer


5. consider the following statement .

  1. Statement : (A) Agriculture is the most important activity in India.
  2. Reason : (R)  Agriculture still supports two-thirds of India’s population.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


6. Consider the following assertion, which is based on Rice.

  1. India is the world’s leading rice producer.
  2. It necessitates a high temperature and a lot of rain.
  3. It is the tropical and sub-tropical regions’ primary diet.

Which of the following assertions is/are correct?


7. Consider the following statement in relation to Wheat.

Which of the following statements does not apply to wheat?

  1. Wheat harvesting necessitates intense sunlight.
  2. They’re  referred to as coarse grains.
  3. It is grown in India during the winter.
  4. During the growth season, wheat requires moderate temperatures and moisture.

Select the correct response.


8. Take a look at the following statement.

  1. Millets may be grown in sandy, low-fertility soils.
  2. Maize requires a temperate climate, plenty of rain, and plenty of sunlight.

Select the correct response.


9. Think about the following statement:

  1. Cotton can grow in any sort of soil, as long as the temperature is high and the rainfall is mild.
  2. Coffee grows best in a warm, humid climate with well-drained loamy soil.

Which of the following assertions is/are correct?


10. Take a look at the following statement about jute.

  1. It grows in alluvial soil and demands a hot, humid climate with plenty of rain.
  2. Jute was once referred to as the ‘Golden Fibre.’
  3. Jute is mostly produced in India and Bangladesh.

Select the correct response.


Question 1 of 10

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