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1. Consider the following statement in relation to The principal gases responsible for the greenhouse effect.

  1. carbon dioxide
  2. methane
  3. nitrous oxide
  4. water vapor

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


2. Take a look at the following assertions about Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).

  1. Human activity produces chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
  2. Chlorofluorocarbons have the highest concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere.

Which of the following assertions is/are correct?


3. Which one of the following is suitable for Koeppen’s “A” type of climate?


4. ultra violet rays do not reach the earth’s surface due to


5. Consider the following statement in light of the Kyoto Protocol.

  1. The Kyoto Protocol can only be signed by UNFCCC members.
  2. It is legally enforceable.

Select the correct response.


6. Koeppen’s system of classification of climates can be termed as:


7. Take a look at the following statement on Tropical Humid Climates.

  1. The annual temperature and rainfall ranges are extremely wide.
  2. Between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, tropical humid climates exist.

Select the correct response.


8. Which one of the following years is supposed to have recorded the warmest temperature the world over?


9. choose the correct explanation of Tropical Wet Climate.


10. choose the correct explanation of Tropical Monsoon Climate.


11. Consider the following statement with relation to tropical wet and dry climates.

  1. The temperature is extremely hot throughout the year.
  2. The Amazon rainforest in Brazil has a tropical wet and dry climate to the north and south.

Select the correct response.


12. Which one of the following groups of four climates represents humid conditions?


13. match the following statement.

Type Characteristics
A.      Tropical wet 1.       No dry season
B.      Tundra 2.       No true summer


C.      Tropical wet and dry 3.       short dry season
D.      Tropical monsoon 4.       Winter dry season

Choose the correct answer


14. it is Located in the transition zone between humid and dry climates,

it receives slightly more rainfall than the desert, adequate enough for the growth of sparse grasslands.

The rainfall in this the climates is highly variable.
Choose the correct possible answer


15. Take a look at the following statements about the Mediterranean climate.

  1. The summers are hot and dry, and the winters are moderate and rainy.
  2. In the summer, the monthly average temperature is around 25° C, and in the winter, it is below 10°C.
  3. Annual precipitation ranges from 35 to 90 centimetres.

Which of the following assertions is/are correct?


16. it   lies on the eastern parts of the continent in subtropical latitudes. 

  The annual averages of precipitation vary from 75-150 cm.

Thunderstorms in summer and frontal precipitation in winter are common.

Mean monthly temperature in summer is around 27°C, and in winter it varies from 5°-12° C.

The daily range of temperature is small.

Choose the correct possible answer


17. Take a look at the following statements on the Marine West Coast Climate.

  1. Precipitation happens at all times of the year.
  2. In the summer, the average temperature is 15°-20°C, while in the winter, it is 4°-10°C.

Which of the following assertions is/are incorrect?


18. Consider the statement below.

  1. In the summer, the tundra regions have a particularly lengthy day light period.
  2. The tundra is devoid of trees.

Select the correct response.


Question 1 of 18

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