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Chapter 2  Migration : Types, Causes and Consequences

1. consider the following statement .

1.Statement : (A) Immigrants are people who relocate to a new location.

2.Reason : (R)  For reasons like as increased employment prospects,

the Pull factors make the destination location appear more appealing than the starting area.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


2. Which one of the following urban agglomeration has

the highest share in migrant population?


3. Consider the following remark in relation to The Push Factors

Make the Place of Origin Appear Less Attractive .

  1. Political turmoil
  2. Unemployment
  3. unpleasant climate.
  4. peace and stability
  5. epidemics

Choose the correct answer


4. Which one of the following is not a push factor?


5. Take a look at the following statement.

  1. Pull factors are characteristics that make an area less appealing to humans.
  2. People are drawn to pull influences, which leads to immigration.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


6. Which one of the following is the main 

reason for male migration in India?


7. What is the most populous state in terms of in-migrants and out-migrants?


8. Take a look at the following remark about intra-state migration.

  1. Intra-state migration occurs within the state’s borders.
  2. Migration is low since a huge number of migrants are hesitant to migrate due to increased distance.
  3. Due to marriage, the majority of them are female migrants.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


9. Which one of the following states receives 

maximum number of immigrants?


Question 1 of 9

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