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Chapter 5  Land Resources and Agriculture

1. match the following 

Cropping season Major Crops
A.     Kharif 1.      Vegetables, Fodder
B.     Rabi 2.      Mustard
C.     Zaid 3.      Maize, Jowar
  4.      Barley

Choose the correct answer


2. Consider the following assertion, which is based on Rice.

  1. India is the world’s leading rice producer.
  2. It necessitates a high temperature and a lot of rain.
  3. It is the tropical and sub-tropical regions’ primary diet.

Which of the following assertions is/are correct?


3. match the following 

Cropping Season
A.     Kharif 1.      June-September
B.     Rabi 2.      October – March
C.     Zaid 3.      April–June

Choose the correct answer


4. Consider the following statement in relation to Wheat.

Which of the following statements does not apply to wheat?

  1. Wheat harvesting necessitates intense sunlight.

2. They’re also referred to as coarse grains.

3. It is grown in India during the winter.

4. During the growth season, wheat requires

moderate temperatures and moisture.

Select the correct response.


5. Take a look at the following statement.

1.Millets can be grown in sandy, low-fertility soils.

2.Maize requires a temperate climate,

plenty of rain, and plenty of sunlight.

Select the correct response.


6. Think about the following statement:

1.Cotton can grow in any sort of soil, as long as the

temperature is high and the rainfall is mild.

2.Coffee grows best in a warm, humid climate

with well-drained loamy soil.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


7. Take a look at the following statement about jute.

1.It thrives in alluvial soil and demands a hot,

humid climate with plenty of rain.

2.Jute was once referred to as the ‘Golden Fibre.’

3.Jute is mostly produced in India and Bangladesh.

Choose the correct answer


8. Which one of the following is NOT a land-use category?


9. Which of the following statements about

Culturable Wasteland is correct?


10. What one of the following is the main reason due to

which share of forest has shown an increase in the last forty years?


11. consider the following statement regarding Wetland Farming .

  1. Rainfall is more than the total moisture requirement of the soil during rainy season.
  2. Jowar, Bajra, Gram are grown the example of wetland farming .
  3. Dryland Farming is practiced in Northern Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


12. Which one of the following is the main form

of degradation in irrigated areas?


13. Consider the following remark in light of India’s environmental

challenges with land resources.

  1. Erratic Monsoon Dependence
  2. Crop yields in the country are low in compared to international standards.
  3. Enhancing crop intensity is a strategy for increasing a parcel of land’s production by

increasing the number of times it is cultivated in a year.

  1. Cultivable Land Degradation

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


14. Take a look at the following statement.

  1. India’s principal fibre crops are cotton and jute.
  2. India currently produces the most sugar cane in the world.
  3. India’s principal beverage crops are tea and coffee.
  4. Cotton is a tropical crop that is grown in semi-arid

portions of the country during the kharif season.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


15. Which one of the following crops is not

cultivated under diyland farming?


16. with reference to production of   coarse cereals in india ,

consider the following statement.

choose the correct answer


17. In which of the following group of countries of the world,

HYVs of wheat and rice were developed?


18. Think about the best way to explain the following statement

in terms of underemployment.


19. Consider the following statement with relation

to tea cultivation in India.

  1. Black tea leaves are fermented whereas green tea leaves are unfermented.
  2. Tea is a plantation crop used as beverage.
  3. Assam is a major tea growing area in the country. .

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


20. Consider the following statement in light of India’s cotton growth.

  1. Cotton is a tropical crop grown in semi-arid sections of the country during the kharif season.
  2. The best soil for cotton growing is black soil.

Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?


21. In light of India’s sugarcane boom,

consider the following assertion.

1.It is mostly an irrigated crop in India and

it is also a tropical crop.

2.Uttar Pradesh is India’s main sugar producer and

has one of the largest sugar mills in the country.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Question 1 of 21

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