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1. consider the following statement .

1.Statement : (A) Iron and steel are essential for any country’s economic success.

2.Reason : (R) All other commodities, both industrial and commercial,

are made with iron and steel as the main raw material.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


2. Which is not a factor of industrial location?


3. consider the following statement .

  1. Statement : (A) sugar industry is a seasonal industry.
  2. Reason : (R) India is the world’s second-largest sugar producer.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


4. The earliest Iron and Steel Company to be established in India was:


5. Take a look at the following remark on the Swadeshi movement,

which has given the cotton textile sector a tremendous boost.

1.British goods were boycotted and Indian manufactured products

were promoted.

2.Capital was collected and new mills were setup throughout the

country under the impetus provided by the swadeshi movement.

3.People started spinning for their own clothes.

4.Not only large-scale industries were set up but also

small and cottage industry was revived.

Choose the correct answer


6. The first modern cotton mill was established in Mumbai because:


7. Consider the following remarks in light of the New Industrial Policy,

which was proclaimed in 1991, and the steps that were taken.

  1. Began issuing industrial licences.
  2. unrestricted access to foreign technology.
  3. financial market access.
  4. free trade.
  5. abolition of phased manufacturing programme.

Select the correct response.


8. The nucleus of the Hugli Industrial Region is:


9. Which state is home to the most cotton mills?


10. When and where did the first cotton mill open its doors?


11. Which one of the following is the second largest producer of sugar:


12. with reference to  Which industries are included in

traditional industries ,consider the following statement .

  1. Iron
  2. steel industry
  3. cotton industry
  4. sugar industry

Select the correct response.


13. consider the following statement .

  1. Statement : (A) The raw materials essential for Iron and Steel Industry.
  2. Reason : (R) The iron and steel industry should be placed near raw material sources.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Question 1 of 13

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