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UPSC IAS Prelims SEVEN year paper analysis 2015 to 2021

Chapter 4 Preamble of the Constitution Quiz

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Chapter 4 Preamble of the Constitution Quiz

Vinayak Narwade UPSC 2020, AIR 37 unstoppable

Chapter 4 Preamble of the Constitution Quiz
Chapter 4 Preamble of the Constitution Quiz

1. Take a look at the following statement.

  1. The United States Constitution’s Preamble was
    the first to incorporate one.
  2. The term ‘preamble’ refers to the introduction
    or preface to the India’s Constitution.

Select the correct response.


2. Take a look at the following statement about
the Preamble:

  1. It contains a summary or substance of
    the Constitution.
  2. According to constitutional expert B.R. Ambedkar,
    the Preamble serves as the Constitution’s “identity card.”

Select the correct response.


3. Consider the following statement in light of
the preamble.

  1. The Preamble to the Indian Constitution is based
    on B.R. Ambedkar’s ‘Objectives Resolution,’ which he prepared
    and moved.
  2. The 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1972 altered
    it by adding three additional words: socialist, secular,
    and integrity.

Select the incorrect response.


4. Consider the following statement in relation to
Preamble’s ingredients or components.

  1. Source of authority of the Constitution.
  2. Nature of Indian State
  3. Objectives of the Constitution
  4. Date of adoption of the Constitution

Chose the correct answer


5. Consider the following statement in relation
to the Constitution’s Preamble’s Objectives.

  1. Justice
  2. liberty
  3. equality and fraternity
  4. secular democratic

Choose the correct answer


6. Consider the following statement with relation
to Sovereign.

  1. The term “sovereign” denotes that India is a
    sovereign state that is neither a dependency nor a dominion
    of any other country.
  2. As a sovereign state, India has the ability to
    acquire a foreign territory in the interest of another

Select the incorrect response.


7. Consider the following statement in relation to

  1. Indian socialism is referred to as ‘democratic
    socialism,’ not ‘communistic socialism.’
  2. Democratic socialism seeks to eliminate poverty,
    ignorance, disease, and disparities in opportunity.

Select the incorrect response.


8. With reference to Democratic consider the
following statement.

  1. In direct democracy, as in Switzerland,
    the people directly exercise their supreme power.
  2. In indirect democracy, the highest power
    is exercised by representatives elected by the people.

Select the correct response.


9. Think about the following statement: about
India’s constitution.

  1. Only once has the Preamble been changed.
  2. The 44th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1976
    adds three new terms to the Preamble: socialist, secular,
    and integrity.
  3. Only the word JUSTICE appears twice in the

Choose the correct answer


10. Consider the following sentence in relation to
whose personality said it.

“Political democracy cannot last unless there lies at
the base of it social democracy”.

Select the correct response.


11. Think about the following statement:

  1. Liberty and equality can be separated, but equality
    and liberty cannot be separated.
  2. The ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity
    should not be considered as distinct parts of a trinity.
  3. The term “social democracy” refers to a way of
    life that values liberty, equality, and fraternity.

Choose the correct answer


12. Take a look at the following statement.

  1. Liberty based on equality would give
    the few the upper hand over the many.
  2. Individual initiative would be
    suffocated if liberty and equality were merged.

Select the incorrect response.


13. Take a look at the following statement
about “Republic.”

  1. In a monarchy, the ruler of the state is
    the monarch. A hereditary post is usually reserved for the king.
  2. The head of state in a republic is always
    directly or indirectly chosen for a set length of time.

Choose the correct answer


14. Consider the following statement with relation to “Justice.”

  1. Social justice refers to the treatment of all
    citizens equally, regardless of caste, colour, race, religion,
    sex, or other social factors.
  2. Economic equity it entails the abolition of glaring
    wealth, income, and property disparities.

Select the correct response.


15. Consider the following proposition in relation
to “distributive justice.”.

Choose the correct answer


16. Consider the following statement with relation to “Liberty.”

  1. As stated in the Preamble, liberty is critical to
    the successful operation of the Indian democratic system.
  2. Liberty means ‘permission’ to do anything one wants,
    and it must be appreciated.
  3. The liberty envisioned in the Preamble or Fundamental
    Rights is qualified rather than absolute.

Choose the correct answer


17. Consider the following proposition in relation to the given statements.

  1. In the Constitution of India, promotion of international
    peace and security is included in the Preamble to the Constitution.
  1. The term “equality” refers to the lack of special favours
    for any segment of society without any discrimination.

Choose the correct answer


18. With reference to provisions in the Constitution that
seek to achieve political equality.

  1. No one should be excluded from the electoral rolls
    because of their religion, race, caste, or gender (Article 325).
  2. Adult suffrage will be used in elections to the Lok
    Sabha and state legislatures (Article 326).

Choose the correct answer


19. With reference to “Fraternity”, consider the
following statement.

  1. Fraternity is defined as a feeling of
  2. The Preamble declares that fraternity
    must ensure the individual’s dignity, the country’s
    sovereignty, and the nation’s unity and integrity.
  3. The Constitution encourages a sense of
    brotherhood through the single-citizenship system.

Choose the incorrect answer


20. Think about the following statement:

  1. The 42nd Constitutional Amendment adds the word
    ‘integrity’ to the preamble (1976).
  2. The term “national unity and integrity” encompasses
    psychological and territorial elements of national integration.

Choose the correct answer


21. Think about the following statement:

  1. The Preamble embodies the Constitution’s fundamental
    political, moral, and religious ideals and values.
  2. The preamble enshrines the Constituent Assembly’s
    high and noble objective.

Select the correct response.


22. Address the implications, “Which celebrity said this?”
‘The Preamble to our Constitution expresses what we
had thought or dreamt so long”
Choose the correct answer


23. Take a look at who claimed “the Preamble is the
‘horoscope of our sovereign democratic republic.”

Select the correct response.


24. Consider which of the following statements
relates to the person who made them.
“The Preamble is the most precious part of the
It is the soul of the Constitution.
It is a key to the Constitution.
It is a jewel set in the Constitution
Choose the correct answer


25. Consider the following statement in light of the following
statement, which was passed by which case.

 the Supreme Court said that “the Preamble shows the
general purposes behind the several provisions in the Constitution,
and is thus a key to the minds of the makers of the Constitution “

  1. In the Kesavananda Bharati case (1973)
  2. In the Berubari Union16 case (1960)
  3. In the LIC of India case18 (1995)

Choose the correct answer


26. Take a look at the declaration about direct democracy devices.

  1. Recall
  2. Initiative
  3. Referendum
  4. integrated judiciary
  5. Plebiscite

Choose the correct answer


Question 1 of 26

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UPSC IAS Prelims SEVEN year paper analysis 2015 to 2021

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