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chapter 9 Amendment of the Constitution Quiz

chapter 9 Amendment of the Constitution Quiz

UPSC Syllabus – Civil Services Exam Prelims, Mains and Interview free (3 step)


chapter 9 Amendment of the Constitution Quiz

Indian polity objective QUESTIONS
chapter 9 Amendment of the Constitution Quiz
chapter 9 Amendment of the Constitution Quiz

1. Consider the following statement on constitutional change.

  1. The procedure for amending it is neither as simple
    nor as difficult as in the United States or the United Kingdom.
  2. The Indian Constitution is a combination of Both
    flexibility and rigidity.

Select the correct response.


2. Consider the following remark in relation to the
Constitution’s amendment.

  1. Part XX of the Constitution, Article 368, deals
    with Parliament’s competence to modify the Constitution and
    the mechanism for doing so.
  2. The Parliament cannot change the sections that
    make up the Constitution’s “fundamental structure.”

Select the correct response.


3. consider the following statement regarding
amendment of the Constitution

  1. An amendment to the Constitution can  launched
    by the introduction of a bill in the House of Parliament,
    not in state legislatures.
  2. The bill can be filed by a private member of
    The house without the president’s authorization.

Select the correct response.


4. with reference to amendment of the
consider the following statement.

  1. Only via the introduction of a Bill in either
    House of Parliament can the Constitution be amended.
  2. A simple majority is defined as a vote by more
    than half of the members present and voting. This is often
    referred to as a working majority or functional majority.

Select the incorrect response.


5. Consider the following remark with relation to the
Constitutional bill modification.

  1. The bill must be signed by the president.
  2. President is unable to refuse to sign the bill.
  3. President has the option of returning the bill
    to Parliament for reconsideration.

Select the incorrect response.


6. A Simple Majority of Parliament is required To amend
which of the
in constitution.

  1. New states are formed, and existing states’ areas,
    boundaries, and names are changed.
  2. Legislative councils are abolished or created in
  3. Allowance for the vice-president and the
  4. Quorum in Parliament.

Choose the correct answer


7. To modify the provisions of the Constitution,
a Simple Majority of Parliament is required.

  1. Use of the English language in the lower house of
    the Parliament .
  2. Members of Parliament’s remuneration and benefits.
  3. Citizenship–acquirement and revocation.
  4. Administration of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled
    Tribes on the Fifth Schedule
  5. Administration of tribal areas under the
    Sixth Schedule.

Choose the correct answer


8. To modify the provisions of the Constitution,
a Special Majority of Parliament is required.

  1. Elections to Parliament and state legislatures.
  2. The President’s Election and the Process
  3. The Union’s and the states’ legislative powers
    are divided.
  4. Goods and Services Tax Council

Choose the correct answer


9. To alter a section of the constitution, a Special Majority
of Parliament and the assent of the states are required.

  1. Any of the Seventh Schedule’s lists.
  2. Parliament’s power to modify the Constitution and the
    mechanism for doing s (Article 368 itself).
  3. State representation in Parliament.

  Select the incorrect response.


10. To alter a section of the constitution, a Special Majority
of Parliament and the assent of the states are required.

  1. Any of the Seventh Schedule’s lists.
  2. Parliament’s power to modify the Constitution and the
    mechanism for doing s (Article 368 itself).
  3. State representation in Parliament.

  Select the incorrect response.


Question 1 of 10

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