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Chapter 7 Directive Principles of State Policy Quiz

Chapter 7 Directive Principles of State Policy

UPSC Syllabus – Civil Services Exam Prelims, Mains and Interview free (3 step)


Chapter 7 Directive Principles of State Policy

Chapter 7 Directive Principles of State Policy

Vinayak Narwade UPSC 2020, AIR 37 unstoppable

Chapter 7 Directive Principles of State Policy Quiz

1. Think about the following statement about Directive
Principles of State Policy.

  1. Part V of the Constitution, from Articles 36 to 51, enumerates
    the Directive Principles of State Policy.
  2. The framers of the Constitution were inspired by the 1937
    Irish Constitution.

Select the correct response.


2. consider the following statement.

  1. The Directive Principles, coupled with the Fundamental
    Rights, make up the Constitution’s philosophy and are its heart and soul.
  2. The Directive Principles and Fundamental Rights, according
    to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, are the “Conscience of the Constitution.”

Select the correct response.


3. Consider the following statement below.

  1. The constitutional instructions or suggestions to
    the state in legislative, executive, and administrative concerns
    are known as Directive Principles of State Policy.
  2. In Part IV, the term ‘State’ has the same meaning as
    it does in Part III, which deals with Fundamental Rights.

Choose the correct answer


4. consider the following statement

  1. ‘The Directive Principles are like an
    instrument of instruction,’ says Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
  2. The Directive Principles of State Policy
    represent the thoughts of the Indian Constitution’s framers.

Choose the correct answer


5. Think about the following statement:

  1. The Directive Principles are an economic, social,
    and political blueprint for a modern democratic state.
  2. In their nature, the Directive Principles are

Select the best option.


6. with regard to the following assertions.

  1. Because the Directive Principles are non-justiciable,
    they cannot assist courts in assessing and determining a law’s
    constitutional viability.
  2. The courts have no legal authority to enforce the
    Directive Principles if they are broken.

Choose the correct answer


7. Think on which of the following statements is/are Socialistic Principles.

  1. To promote equitable justice for all people and to provide free
    legal assistance to the poor (Article 39 A).
  2. To make it illegal to use intoxicating beverages and substances
    that are harmful to one’s health (Article 47).
  3. To make it illegal to butcher cows, calves, and other milch and
    draught animals, as well as to improve their breeds (Article 48).
  4. To safeguard forests and wild life, as well as to protect and
    improve the environment (Article 48 A).

Choose the correct answer


8. Consider the following statement: Which of the following
statements is/are Socialistic Principles (Article 41)?

  1. To provide for reasonable and humane working conditions
    including maternity leave.
  2. To guarantee the right to work, education, and public
    support in the event of unemployment, old age, disease, or
  3. To ensure that all workers have access to a living wage,
    a fair standard of living, and social and cultural opportunities.

Choose the correct answer


9. Think on which of the following statements is/are
Socialistic Principles (Article 42).

  1. To provide for reasonable and humane working
    conditions including maternity leave.
  2. To develop cottage enterprises in rural areas on
    an individual or cooperative basis.
  3. To ensure that all workers have access to a living
    wage, a fair standard of living, and social and cultural opportunities.
  4. Take steps to ensure that workers are involved in
    the management of industries.

Select the correct response.


10. Consider which of the following statements is/are
Liberal-Intellectual Principles:

  1. To ensure that all citizens in the country have access
    to a single civil code (Article 44).
  2. Ensure that all children get early childhood care and
    education until they reach the age of six (Article 45).
  3. Organize agricultural and animal husbandry according
    to contemporary and scientific principles (Article 48).
  4. To make it illegal to butcher cows, calves, and other
    milch and draught animals, as well as to develop their breeds
    (Article 48).

Select the correct response.


11. Consider which of the following statements is/are
Gandhian Principles.

  1. To establish village panchayats and provide them
    with the requisite authorities and authority to act as
    self-governing bodies (Article 40).
  2. To develop cottage enterprises in rural areas on
    an individual or cooperative basis (Article 43).
  3. To make it illegal to consume intoxicating beverages
    and substances that are harmful to one’s health (Article 47).
  4. To make it illegal to butcher cows, calves, and other
    milch and draught animals, as well as to develop their breeds
    (Article 48).

Choose the correct answer


12. Consider the following statement, which details one of the
new Directive Principles adopted by the 42nd Amendment Act of 1976.

  1. To promote equitable justice and to offer poor people with
    free legal assistance (Article 39 A).
  2. To safeguard forests and wild life, as well as to protect and
    improve the environment (Article 48 A).
  3. Organize agricultural and animal husbandry according to
    contemporary and scientific principles (Article 48).

Select the correct response.


13. Consider the following statement, which was
agreed by the Drafting Committee: An individual’s
rights should be separated into two categories:
justiciable and non-justiciable.

Which personality endorsed this?

  1. A .B.R. Ambedkar
  2. Sir B.N. Rau
  3. Alladi Krishna Swamy Ayyar,
  4. T. Shah

Choose the correct answer


14. Think about the following statement:
The Directives result in a constitutional
dispute between the President and the Prime Minister.

Which personality drew attention to it?

  1. C. Chagla,
  2. Sir B.N. Rau
  3. Sir Ivor Jennings,
  4. K Santhanam

Choose the correct answer


15. Think about the following statement:

  1. Individual welfare is promoted by Fundamental Rights.
  2. The Directive Principles enhance community well-being.
  3. The Directive Principles are intended to help the
    country achieve democratic democracy.

Select the correct response.


16. Consider the statement below.

  1. There are legal consequences for violating fundamental rights.
  2. Moral and political consequences happens of directive principles
  3. The goal of fundamental rights is to promote political democracy.

Select the correct response.


17. Consider the nature and significance of Directive
Principles as stated in the following statement.

Which article does the aforementioned sentence
refer to?

Choose the correct answer


Question 1 of 17

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