Important Parliamentary Terms

Important Parliamentary Terms

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Important Parliamentary Terms

Important Parliamentary Terms”Act”– a Bill that received the President’s approval after being approved by both Houses of Parliament.

(2) “Ad hoc Committee”-

A committee that has been established by the House, the Chairman, or the joint presiding officers of both Houses to study a particular issue and make a report on it. Once its work is done, the committee becomes functus officio.

(3) “Adjournment of Debate”-

Adjournment of the debate on a Motion, Resolution, or Bill on which the House is then engaged until a subsequent day or sine die as specified in the motion, upon a motion adopted by the House.

(4) “Adjournment of the sitting of the House”-

The House adjourns its session and reconvenes at the time set for the subsequent session.

(5) “Adjournment sine die”-

Termination of a sitting of the House without any definite date being fixed for the next sitting.

(6) “Appropriation Bill”- 

A yearly (or irregularly throughout the year) passed money bill allowing for the withdrawal or appropriation of funds approved by the Lok Sabha and funds charged to the Consolidated Fund for the duration of a financial year or a portion thereof.

(7) “Ballot”-

a procedure that uses a random number generator to decide which notices should be addressed first.

(8) “Bill”–

The properly formatted draught of a legislative proposal that, when approved by both Houses of Parliament and signed by the President, becomes an Act.

(9) “Budget”-

The properly formatted draught of a legislative proposal that, when approved by both Houses of Parliament and signed by the President, becomes an Act.

(10) “Bulletin”-

The Rajya Sabha Bulletin is referred to as “bulletin.” It is released in two sections. Part II comprises information on any matter relevant to or associated with the business of the House or Committees or other matter that, in the chairman’s judgement, may be included therein. Part I contains a brief summary of the proceedings of the House at each of its sittings.

(11) “Calendar of Sittings”-

A calendar indicating the tentative days Rajya Sabha will meet and the types of business those days will see.

(12)  “Calling Attention” – 

a process whereby a Member alerts a Minister to a matter of urgent public interest, the Minister responds with a brief statement, and the Members then ask questions to get more information.

(13) “Casting Vote”-

In the event of a tie vote, the Chairman or a Member acting in that capacity in the House and the Chairman or a Member in that capacity in the Committee.

(14) “Crossing the floor”–

passing between the speaker and the chair, which is frowned upon in the parliamentary setting.

(15) “Demand for Grants”-

Setting aside money from the budget to cover both planned and unforeseen expenses for a ministry or department.

 (16) “Division”-

the process of deciding whether to support or oppose a proposed measure or question before the House by recording the votes.

(17) “Draw of lot” –

a process used to establish the order in which private member bills and resolutions, questions, 30-minute discussions, and other notices presented by multiple members at once for consideration on the same day should be addressed.

(18) “Expunction”-

Removing words, phrases, or expressions that the Chairman finds to be defamatory, indecent, improper, or disrespectful from the Rajya Sabha’s proceedings or records.

(19) “Finance Bill”-

A bill that is often introduced each year to give effect to the Government of India’s proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year as well as a bill to give effect to supplemental budgetary plans for any period.

 (20) “Financial Business” –

The General and Railway Budgets, statements of supplemental Grant Demands, general discussion of the General and Railway Budgets, consideration and return of related Appropriate Bills and Finance Bills, as well as the laying of the budgets of States that are subject to the President’s Rule, are all included in the House’s financial business.

(21) “Gazette”-The Gazette of India.

(22) “Half-an-Hour Discussion”-

With the Chairman’s approval, a Member may bring up a topic of substantial public interest that has recently been the focus of an oral or written question and whose resolution calls for additional factual clarification.

 (23) “Leader of the Council”-

If the Prime Minister is a member of the Council, he or she will serve as the Leader of the Council. If not, a Minister who is a member of the Council will do so on the Prime Minister’s recommendation.

(24) “Leader of the Opposition”-

a member of the House who is now the Chairman-recognized leader of the opposition party opposing the government with the largest number of members in that House.

(25) “Leave of absence”-

A member who wishes to request permission from the House to skip a meeting must submit an application outlining his justifications and the time frame during which he hopes to be excused from the meeting.

(26) “Legislative Business” –

introducing, debating, and passing a measure in the House under the direction of a minister or a private member.

(27) “List of Business”-

a list of the matters that are planned to be discussed in the Rajya Sabha on a specific day of the sittings, listed in the order that they are on the agenda. 

(28) “Lobby”-

the covered hallway that coterminus with and directly adjoins the Chamber.


(29) “Maiden Speech”-

the member’s first speech in the House upon election or nomination to the Rajya Sabha.

(30) “Matters raised with permission”-

A Member may, with the prior approval of the Chairman, raise a matter of urgent public significance right after the Question Period and paper-laying.

(31) “Member in charge of the Bill”-

the Minister or Private Member who introduced the legislation from the government or private members.

(32) “Memorandum of business” –

It is intended to be used by the Chair to assist him in calling the items on the current day’s agenda paper.

(33) “Message”-

A communication sent from one House of Parliament to another House and a communication sent by the President to one or more Houses of Parliament under Articles 86(2) and 111 of the Constitution.


(34) “Motion”-

A formal request for the House to act, issue an order for action, or express an opinion made by a Minister or member that is worded in such a way that, if passed, it will be understood to reflect the view or will of the House.

(35) “Motion of Thanks”-

A formal motion was made in the House thanking the President for the address he or she gave to both Houses of Parliament when they were both assembled in accordance with article 87(1) of the Constitution.

(36) “Naming a Member”-

The drawing of the House’s attention by the Chairman to the behaviour of a member who disobeys the Chair’s authority or violates the House’s rules by deliberately obstructing its business, with a view to taking action to suspend him from the House for a period of time not to exceed the remainder of the session.


(37) “Ordinance”-

a statute passed by the President while acting within the scope of his constitutional authority under article 123.

(38) “Panel of Vice-Chairmen”-

a group of six Rajya Sabha members chosen by the Chairman, any one of whom may preside over the House when the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman are not present upon the Chairman’s request or when the Deputy Chairman is not present.

(39) “Papers laid on the Table”-

The papers or documents that have been laid on the table of the house with the intention of being added to the record of the house by a minister, a private member, or the secretary general with the chairman’s approval and in accordance with the provisions of the constitution, the Rajya Sabha’s rules of procedure, or a law and the rules and regulations that have been made thereunder.

(40) “Personal explanation” –

  A Member or Minister may offer a personal defence with the Chairman’s permission if remarks or criticism of a personal nature are directed at them on the House floor.

(41) “Point of Order”-

A question brought up in the House and submitted to the Chair for decision regarding the interpretation or application of the Rules of Procedure or those articles of the Constitution that govern the business of the House.

(42) “Precincts of Rajya Sabha”-

The Chamber, Lobbies, Galleries, and any other locations that the Chairman may from time to time specify are all included in this.

(43) “Private Members’ Resolution”-

A resolution from a member other than a minister on a day designated for private members’ resolutions that takes the form of a statement of the House’s position or another format that the chairman may deem acceptable.

(44) “Prorogation”-

the conclusion of a Rajya Sabha session by order issued by the President in accordance with Constitutional Article 85(2)(a).

(45) “Putting the Question”-

The Chairman announces or reads the question to the House once the discussion on a particular subject has come to an end, beginning with “The question is, that.”

(46) “Question Chart”-

Along with the Summons for a Session, a chart was distributed to members that lists the deadlines for submitting questions on various Ministries and Departments as well as the dates for answering them.

(47) “Question Hour”-

the period of time during a House session set aside for question and answer sessions.

(48) “Question of Privilege”-

a query regarding a violation of privilege committed by a member, the House, a committee thereof, or a breach of the House’s decorum.

(49) “Quorum”-

One-tenth of the total number of members of the House must be present at a meeting of the House or a Committee in order for business to be conducted properly, as stated in article 100(3) of the Constitution.

(50) “Rajya Sabha debate” –

The official Reporter of the Rajya Sabha records every word that is uttered in the House verbatim, with the exception of any words, phrases, or expressions that the Chair has directed be deleted or not recorded when Members speak without his permission.

(51) “Roll of Members”-

a register that newly elected members sign after taking the oath or affirmation, adhering to it, and before taking their first seats in the House.

(52) “Session”-

A Rajya Sabha session lasts from the day the President prorogues the Rajya Sabha to the date and time specified in the order of the President summoning the Rajya Sabha.

(53) “Short Duration Discussion”-

For starting a discussion on a matter of urgent public significance, which requires a notification from a member backed by two additional members outlining the issue to be raised in clear and explicit terms.

(54) “Short Notice Question”-

A Member may request an oral response to a query regarding an urgent subject of public interest with less than fifteen days’ notice by providing justification.

(55) “Sitting of the House”-

A meeting of the House is properly convened when it is presided over by the Chairman or another member qualified to do so under the Rajya Sabha’s Rules of Procedure or the Constitution.

(56) “Special Mention”-

a method that a Member may utilise to bring up an issue of public significance in the House by reading a passage of up to 250 words.

(57) “Standing Committee”-

Committees that are permanent in character are established by election by the House or nomination by the Chairman every year or seldom.

(58) “Starred Question”-

a question marked with an asterisk and to which a member requests an oral response on the House floor.

(59) “Statutory Resolution”-

a decision made in accordance with a Constitutional clause or a law passed by Parliament.

(60) “Subordinate Legislation”–

The Executive or another subordinate authority may enact rules, regulations, orders, plans, byelaws, and other legal provisions pursuant to the authority granted to it by the Constitution or granted to it by a statute passed by the Parliament.

(61) “Summons”–

An official announcement of the location, date, and time of the start of a Rajya Sabha session made to the members on the President’s orders by the Secretary-General of the Rajya Sabha.

(62) “Supplementary question” –

Any member may ask a question when the chairman calls for it with the intention of clarifying a fact that has been addressed during the question period.

(63) “Table of the House”–

Papers that must be deposited on the House table are deemed to be placed on the table directly in front of the Secretary-desk General’s and beneath the chairman’s chair.

(64) “Unstarred Question”–

A written response to a question that does not require an oral response in the House is deemed to have been set on the table.

(65) “Valedictory remarks”-

Every Session, the Chair concludes with the Valedictory Remarks, thanking the Members and the leaders of the parties and groupings for their cooperation in the House’s business.


(66) “Whips” –

Members chosen from the parties/groups in power and the opposition to undertake specific tasks and create essential linkages in a party’s internal organisation within Parliament.

source Rajya sabha

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